Call Us (204) 222-7400
Di-Tech is committed to maintaining the highest standards in the services of core drilling, flat sawing, wall sawing, electric sawing, wire sawing, demolition, and our other numerous specialties.
Concrete wire sawing in Manitoba Saskatchewan, Alberta and Ontario Canada.

Di-Tech International Inc.
Di-Tech International is committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and excellence through leading edge technology, innovation, and responding to our customers’ needs.”
Client Reviews
Yucca Mountain Project
"We wanted to express our appreciation to you and your company for the tremendous effort and support we received from Luke Default and Cam Goodman during the cutting and extraction of a 1.3 meter cubic rock block at the Yucca Mountain Project in Nevada. Throughout the history of the project several attempts have been made to extract large blocks of tuff from Yucca Mountain; however none were successful in cutting anything close to a cubic meter of intact rock. Your company and these two men persevered when many people believed the task was impossible to accomplish. Through hard work, ingenuity, and diligence, they were successful beyond expectations. The difficulty of cutting a block out of highly fractured tuff rock was compounded by the highly regulated and oversight intensive culture that exists on this project. Regardless of the challenges faced, they maintained a truly professional approach to their job, never wavering from their goal. This type of dedication and commitment to the task at hand is rare and want to commend Luke Default, Cam Goodman and Di-Tech for a job well done."
– Timothy J. Kneafsey, Principal Investigator, AFM Large Block Experiment
– Robert Jones, Manager, Natural Barrier System Testing
– Michael Schuhen, Manager, Engineered Barrier System Testing
“The Di-Tech team is professional and they are not afraid of a challenge.”
– Bruce Neufeld, Superintendent of PCL
"I wanted to take an opportunity to extend my thanks for the work that Di-Tech completed at Key Lake, Saskatchewan. Demolition and construction in an active uranium milling facility presents a unique set of challenges. Your equipment proved to be well suited to our tasks at hand. More significantly, we appreciate your patience as we dealt with a variety of situations that impacted our schedule.
I look forward to upcoming projects with Cameco, and would be anxious to engage in your services again."
– Dan Richards, Project Manager of Cameco Corporation, Key Lake
GDB Constructeurs
"I just would like to thank you and your guys as they did an awesome job this year. Their work ethic and mannerism were amazing and they worked really well with my guys. This crew really helped me keep the job on schedule. It was awesome working with you guys over the last two years and I am looking forward to hopefully working with you guys on these next two projects!!!"
- Tyler Liscum- Ear Falls, Ontario Project
Di-Tech International Inc.
Wire Sawing
Cut concrete over 24"
Bridge Piers
Hydro Dams
Core Drilling
Plumbing Holes
Deep Hole Anchoring
Pre-cast Hollow Core
HVAC / Electrical Openings
Flat Sawing
Road Repairs
Concrete Restoration
Bridge Deck Removal
Wall Sawing
Wall Openings
Interior & Exterior
Structural Removal
Limited Access
Robotic Breaking
Curb Cutting
Concrete Bursting
Shot Blasting